Monday, 23 June 2008

Yeah. They didn't go well.

Ah, I don't care now. I am free as a bird. I have been drunk or stoned 4 times since my last exam on Friday and plan to continue this behaviour all summer. I should probably get a job though because I only have about £35 to last me for cigarettes and alcohol for the next few months.

So last Friday I went to my "6th Form Ball". Basically kinda like an American prom except that the teachers and students all get ridiculously drunk. The highlight of my night was hitting my head of year on to the floor and calling him a 'motherfucker'.

... I'm going to miss school....

Tuesday, 3 June 2008 I have A Levels

I have A Level exams but last weekend I spent 2 hours watching Lost instead of working. Then instead of working I went onto Youtube and listened to lots of Karl Pilkington clips and then in the evening went to the pub.

That pretty much sums up my life. My exams are going to be terrible.... ah well...